A workshop that is thoughtfully designed and powered by SERIOUS PLAY has a distinct difference from others. There is joy and often laughter but issues or challenges brought out in the open and are often resolved.
People are engaged and inspired to reach for their team's goals. After the workshop, a SERIOUS PLAY infused workshop is memorable and the impact lingers. In fact, you probably would want to try it again, with another real life, business or personal challenge.
Here are some delivered workshops with varying objectives that uses this method like LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. Most are delivered in-person within the confines a creative and safe place of conversation. But, these are also delivered fully remote and online as an an option in several situations.
People are engaged and inspired to reach for their team's goals. After the workshop, a SERIOUS PLAY infused workshop is memorable and the impact lingers. In fact, you probably would want to try it again, with another real life, business or personal challenge.
Here are some delivered workshops with varying objectives that uses this method like LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. Most are delivered in-person within the confines a creative and safe place of conversation. But, these are also delivered fully remote and online as an an option in several situations.
Serious Play for Innovation (virtual) |
Delivered with Angela Koch
via Faculty of Play |
Experience the Power of Productive Play with an exploration of 6 Serious Play methods to fuel Innovation breakthroughs (fully online).
If you are an Innovation practitioner looking to fire up engagement or simply curious about the intersection of Serious Play and Design Thinking, then join us for this not "business as usual" workshop. In ‘Serious Play’ we create a mindspace where individuals can feel free to explore a problem or opportunity through playful interaction and be energized to imagine new possibilities. PROGRAM STUCTURE:
This Workshop consists of 9 hours of live instruction with up to 16 participants. The Workshop will be delivered using Zoom Video Conferencing, MIRO collaboration canvas and Mentimeter. Schedule - across 3 days for 3 hours per day from 1400 to 1700 (Singapore time).
Program Dates: 1-3 September 2020 (Sold Out) 18-20 November 2020 10-12 March 2021 13-15 October 2021 1-3 December 2021 PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® FACILITATOR CERTIFICATION PROGRAM |
Co-presented with Angela Koch through the Faculty of Play, let your team experience an amazing race in this 70-minute virtual serious play experience. Teams race around the "Amazing Ways of Innovators" MIRO board completing challenges and modelling key Innovation behaviours. The goal is to get to the finish line ahead of the other teams, and rapidly acquire some MIRO skills along the way. How does it Work? Everyone is allocated to a random group of 5-7 people, team members work together within Zoom breakout rooms to solve challenges at each pitstop. We all start at the same point on the Map. At each pitstop there is a challenge to complete that corresponds with one of the Amazing Ways of Innovators. Once a challenge is successfully completed, teams are directed to the next pitstop. Finishing the Race: Teams must get to the finish line ahead of all other teams! Public Workshop Dates : TBA Interested to bring this to your team/ business? Book to chat with Darwin >>> |
Finding Your Creative Voice with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method
Isolated by Covid, creatively drained by the impact of these crazy times, nourish your creativity in this 90-minute workshop. Join other people searching for inspiration to get out from this situation through this 90-minute facilitated conversation using the widely popular LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) methodology. Modified to suit the goal of this session, you will go through several build activities using LEGO®. The structure and prompts are designed/delivered by your certified facilitator. You then share the 'story' behind the model you've built, and reflect afterward. Workshop Outline :: 5 min Introductions :: 15 Skills Building 1 :: 20 Skills Building 2 :: 20 Boosters and Blockers :: 20 Virtues and Vices :: 10 Synthesis Public Workshop Dates : TBA Interested to bring this to your team/ business? Book to chat with Darwin >>> |